Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Internet, My friend

At the risk of sounding opinionated, I believe four things are crucial to any writer’s success. They are knowledge or content whether correct or otherwise, inspiration, an audience no matter how sparse and an inner voice.

Content or simply put; having something to say about something and inspiration are intertwined and the most important of the lot.

Through the ages, writers have found content and inspiration from wars, love, deposed queens, disease, murder, and light. Those inspirations have certainly morphed from the hide-donning Neanderthals, to the crusades of the Plantagenets, the world wars to the birth of Industrialisation and explosion of technology.

Today human knowledge and experience exists and is propagated on a whole new plane; the virtual colossus known as the internet. Here, in this intangible place mankind does everything it has always done; live, buy, sell, love and kill. It is to this place writers must look for content, inspiration and audience. To ignore the internet is perhaps to wither as a writer. Pen-wielders of this age must understand and maximise the internet

The technique of optimising the Internet might pose a different kind of challenge for many a writer but also the promise it offers is unbelievable; no more demanding publishers, dusty libraries, crippling deadlines and inadequate reward?

Write what you want, under what name you want, when you want, where you want, how you want, for how much you want and for whom you want. Let loose your inner voice. Get on the internet.

SK 2010

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